
Welcome to Swiss-Tax






Here you will find everything about the swiss law of taxation.

In the registers above you will find links to swiss tax administrations (Steuerverwaltungen), tax laws (Steuergesetze), tax decisions (Steuerentscheide), informations to taxes (Steuerinformationen) and a collection of swiss laws (Gesetzsammlungen). You may find there informations even in english. Specially recommended homepages in english are below presented. If you are looking for a consultation about swiss taxes, just click the register to the tax consultants (Steuerberater).

On the main page of Swiss-Tax you will allways find current subjects presented. On the left hand side are tax tips (Steuer-Tipps), where you may find solutions to problems in tax laws. There is a forum for discussions on the left as well (Diskussionsforum). Even questions in english will get an answer. Last but not least you will find a calendar of seminars about swiss taxes  (Veranstaltungskalender).

The Swiss Federal Tax Administration is giving some informations about taxes in english:

More informations about taxes in switzerland: www.taxation.ch.

For any questions or remarks please contact info@Swiss-Tax.ch. Thank you very much.